Wednesday 2 July 2014

Smart goals term 3

My writing goal is writting goal is to use a variety of sentence starters 
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is editing my work and using a variety of sentence starers 

I will accomplish my goal by...using a variety of sentence starters. You will see this in my writing all of next term.

My reading goal is goal is to draw conclusions  from the information I gather as I read 
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is so I know the main part of the story

will accomplish my goal by...practicing sumariseing every time I read something .

My maths goal is to...confidently using my 2,5 and 10 multiplication and division facts to solve problems is my next focus 

The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because...because my 5 2 10 are the easiest for me start from.

I will accomplish my goal by...mum has signed me up for some maths help after school and practising my times tables for five mins every day.

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